Thursday, August 30, 2012

Landed in London

So the flights went well.  Pretty smooth and easy.  When I landed in Washington I had a very short window of time before I had to get to my connecting flight - on the other side of the airport.  Lots of power-walking occurred.  Once at the gate I immediately heard a whole slew of British accents.  It was thoroughly exciting to say the least! 

I was able to move to a window seat on my flight from DC to London that also ended up upgrading me to economy plus at no extra charge.  Fancy!  I think the seats are slightly bigger or something.  But yeah, the flight wasn't bad at all.  I just couldn't sleep that much.  I was very tired when I boarded, but didn't want to fall asleep right away in case they came around with dinner.  I've missed a meal before on an international flight because I was sleeping and it sucked, so I did not want that to happen again.  Even though I was exhausted, I was also starving.

Food was great.  Vegetarian option was an Indian dish with rice, beans, and curried vegetables.

The woman next to me was very nice.  Originally from Korea, but now lives in the US.  She was going to London for two weeks to visit a friend from college she hadn't seen in 25 years.  

By the way, these planes are so sick now.  Touch screens in front of you with a myriad of options for tv shows, sports games, movies, and even games.  And like I said, the food was surprisingly delicious.  Even the croissant we got in the morning. 

We landed in London at ten in the morning.  I had slept probably a total of two hours tops.  But honestly, I didn't care.  I was in London!  Met up with my minicab driver and we took the one hour trip to Guilford Street - where I'll be residing for the next three and a half months.  I was able to take pictures along the way and he was giving me a mini tour. 

Got to the dorm and unpacked.  At this point I felt dirty and exhausted and slightly confused because I had no idea where I was.  I really wanted to take a shower, but I didn't have towels because they would have taken up too much room in my suitcase (see previous post).  I tried finding this shopping plaza that's supposed to be nearby, but - you guessed it - got a bit lost.  No map.  No iPhone.  Did I mention it was raining?  Well it was!  But honestly I didn't mind at all because it's characteristic of London.  It just reminded me where I was.  So I just retraced my steps back to the dorm and figured out what went wrong then headed back out and found it.  

I checked multiple stores.  No towels.  I picked up a few other things I needed, but no towels. Those are kind of necessary.  So I did what any tired, dirty, groggy, desperate girl would do...I took a shower and may or may not have used paper towels.  Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Anyway, I continued to get situated, ate my first meal in the UK...

...exciting, I know.  But it was the cheapest thing I could find in the shortest amount of time.  I just needed to eat.

So yes the first day was a bit of a whirlwind of confusion, exhaustion, and slight frustration.  But what else can you expect?  It's a new city.  It's a new culture.  And I'm jet-lagged like crazy.  It'll certainly take me a few days to sync up.

After all of this and a long night of travel, all I wanted to do was sleep.  So that's what I did. 

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