Thursday, November 1, 2012

'People From Every Nation and Tongue'

I felt inspired as I walked home from Nando's this evening.  Nando's is a popular chicken chain in the UK and yes, they have vegetarian options :)  Every week I meet up with some other young adults around this area from Hillsong London  to discuss living life with God and to read and pray on His word.  Hillsong calls it Connect Group.  It's basically like a fellowship group or a Bible study, and it has been absolutely incredible!  It's a great way to develop deeper relationships with people in the church because Hillsong does have such a large congregation.  It's also been a wonderful way for me to meet local people from London as well as people from all over the world - literally!

One of the many reasons I felt inspired tonight sparked out of the four other girls that sat at my table.  (As we've been growing every week, we can no longer all fit in people's apartments so we now take over Nando's, essentially, and split up into smaller groups so that we can have more personal conversations.)  At one point I looked around the table and realized that each person at the table had a different accent: American, British, Spanish, South African, and French.  How amazing is that?  And what amazes me even more is the radially different backgrounds and cultures each of us have come from.  And yet we all manage to have so much in common.  We all just clicked.  We spent three hours laughing and discussing and learning and questioning, and most of all inspiring one another.  It was magical.  Or rather, it was Holy Spirit-ual.

The coolest part of the evening for me was at the end when we finished with our prayer circle.  We held hands and prayed for the person on our right and for the group as a whole.  We prayed to God from our hearts and our souls.  My heart may speak in English, but a few of my sister's hearts happen to speak different languages (naturally).  One girl prayed in French and another in Spanish.  And it was absolutely beautiful.  I couldn't really understand  all the words they were saying, but I could feel their hearts.  

It was reiterated to me tonight that each and every one of us speaks the language of God.  God can understand all of us, no matter what language we speak.  In fact, He goes beyond that - He understands all of us even if we don't speak and that's what makes Him Lord of all.

Lord, You are good 
And Your mercy endureth forever 

People from every nation and tongue 
From generation to generation 

We worship You, hallelujah, hallelujah 
We worship You for who You are

And You are good, all the time 
All the time, You are good 

You are good, all the time
All the time, You are good

Have a good weekend and God bless!

Oh yeah, and cheers!


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